Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Students Participate in Java Programming Contest!

On April 13, 2007 – The Montgomery College (Rockville Campus) Computer Science Department sponsored its first annual Java Programming Contest. Students from Montgomery Blair, Northwest, Sherwood, and Springbrook attended. Springbrook was highly represented in the contest as 36 of the 50 participants hailed from my three levels of computer programming. The contest lasted just over two hours and as parents and students waited for the results, they were treated to more refreshments and a door prize raffle of hats, shirts, books, and USB flash drives. Thunderous applause erupted as team after team from Springbrook came up to receive their medals and prizes. The Springbrook results were:

2nd Springbrook: Landry Horimbere, Joel Wang, Peter Liu (9th graders)
Springbrook: Nilesh Mistry, Eric Schweiger, Kyle Lewis (9th graders)
3rd Springbrook: Branford Hubbard (9th), Nima Farschi (9th), John Yoon (11th),

1st Springbrook: Peter Myers (11th), David Sweigart (10th), Wesley Ripley (10th)